I Got My "Fix" Today...(Aug. 28)
Earlier this week, things got a bit hectic. Overwhelming, to be precise! Meetings, site visits, deadlines, committee stuff, AutoCAD issues...... and then the phone call came from Chris Lockhart on Thursday afternoon. He said (I'm paraphrasing, of course) "Hey, some of the folks at The Grove Church were planning on doing something this Saturday, and we though of heading over to the DeLee Project. Do you mind?" Mind? My spirits lifted, and I must have shouted my response into the phone right back at him, "Yeah, let's do it"! I was fired up! Bring it on!! For those who have been involved in any Fuller Center projects and have seen the positive impact that the gift of home repairs can make on a family and the volunteers involved, you will understand what I'm about to say. I go in a state of withdrawal when there is no Fuller Center stuff happening on a weekend. Last summer when we were repairing Mrs. Miller's home almost on a weekly basis, I w...