Poor Customer Service Can Cost You....Well, Another Customer.
Have you ever gone into a store and purchased an item that is on sale, then later that day (In my case, 30 minutes later to be precise) gone back to purchase another one, because you couldn't pass up on such a great deal? Well, let me tell you a little story......
35 year shingles purchased for $17/bundle |
Yesterday, we were involved in a roofing project in the Blacksville section of McDonough. We had another project going on at the same time in Stockbridge and it takes about 20 minutes to get from one project to the other. So, needless to say time was of the essence, and getting materials and tools to each team was a crucial part of the day's events. Yes, we should have had all the materials and tools delivered at the site a day ahead, but that's another story I choose to not share at this time.....
Let me cut to the chase! We needed 4 roofing nail guns at the King Boulevard location - One was loaned to us; we purchased the 2nd at Lowe's on sale for $199; and we rented the 3rd at Patrick Rentals. Because Patrick Rentals only had one available ( I intended on renting 2 additional Nail Guns to meet our Quota), I headed back to Lowe's to make that second investment for our organization, the Henry County Fuller Center for Housing, Inc.
Let me cut to the chase! We needed 4 roofing nail guns at the King Boulevard location - One was loaned to us; we purchased the 2nd at Lowe's on sale for $199; and we rented the 3rd at Patrick Rentals. Because Patrick Rentals only had one available ( I intended on renting 2 additional Nail Guns to meet our Quota), I headed back to Lowe's to make that second investment for our organization, the Henry County Fuller Center for Housing, Inc.
Nail Gun Purchased at Lowe's-McDonough |
I dashed into the store and headed straight to the section where the $199 tag was still on the shelf under the Nail Gun. I beckoned to the very same assistant-manager-type who happened to be scanning inventory right next to where I was standing (Incidentally she was the very same person who did the over-ride on my previous purchase at the cash register. So I had the right person)! I told her I'd like to purchase another Nail Gun. She curtly told me that the price has been changed back to the original listed price of $249 and she could not sell me that same item that I purchased 30 minutes ago for the price that was advertized on the shelf. The price tag of $199 was still on the shelf, mind you. I imagine that if she and her family walked into a car dealership and was told that the actual sale price was 25% higher than the sticker price, she'd had the overwhelming desire to reach out and strangle the salesperson. And that's pretty much the very same way I was feeling at that very same moment! She was slightly bigger than me, but I knew I could have taken her down....
I left that store feeling extremely enraged and a lot confused. You see, a few weeks ago while involved in the Tornado-rebuilding efforts in Spalding County we ( The Fuller Center) purchased all of our materials at the Griffin Lowe's and were treated a little differently. In fact, the manager there gave me his cell number with an open invitation to call him whenever we needed more materials. He'd be happy to offer a 10% discount on any future purchases at his store because of the community based work we were involved in. Now, that's the kind of customer service one should expect from a business that is trying to become more engaged with the community that it serves.
I am not knocking the Lowe's Brand nor am I crying "False Advertizing" here. I am simple saying that based on my recent experience and the shortsightedness of a decision-maker at the local McDonough Lowe's, it has cost them a customer who has shopped at this location for the last 6 years. Yeah, it was a measly $50 bucks, but in the world of a non-profit that is doing some GREAT work in the community, that could mean the difference between us deciding to do a project,or not.
For more information about the Henry County Fuller Center for Housing please visit www.hcfullercenter.org. We are actively looking for new committee members and Board Members - people with the passion to help others and who are willing to donate their talents and time to a worthy cause.
And by the way, if you visit your Post Office and grab a few Home Depot 10% "Welcome to the Neighborhood" coupons, you could save quite a bit on your DIY projects you have been meaning to do. For more Home Depot discount codes click here...http://www.oneprojectcloser.com/home-depot-10-off-coupon/
Shane A. Persaud
Owner/Founder, Building Design Partnership, LLC
President/Volunteer, Henry County Fuller Center for Housing, Inc.
For more information about the Henry County Fuller Center for Housing please visit www.hcfullercenter.org. We are actively looking for new committee members and Board Members - people with the passion to help others and who are willing to donate their talents and time to a worthy cause.
And by the way, if you visit your Post Office and grab a few Home Depot 10% "Welcome to the Neighborhood" coupons, you could save quite a bit on your DIY projects you have been meaning to do. For more Home Depot discount codes click here...http://www.oneprojectcloser.com/home-depot-10-off-coupon/
Shane A. Persaud
Owner/Founder, Building Design Partnership, LLC
President/Volunteer, Henry County Fuller Center for Housing, Inc.
Had a similar experience with the other big box in town. Original price of $1049 for countertop replacement, but the quote carried the rider of "actual end price may fluctuate some." Adjusted price was $1447. After direct confrontation, they offered to meet in the middle by offering a $150 credit. They lost us for good, and I will inconvenience myself every time to get what I need.